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Repair Genie

One Tool, Unlimited Possibilities


Cloud Based Computing

Repair Genie is a completely web based solution. That means two things:

The information is always available whenever you want, wherever you want
Repair Genie can be deployed at your school instantly. No difficult installs or hardware buildups are necessary.

Incredible Analytical Tools


Leveraging Your Data

Data Analysis can be a nightmare, but not with Repair Genie. Our system collects information and organizes it meaningful ways for you.

Want to know if your protection plan is worth it? Would you like a projection to prepare for next year? All of this and more done at just the click of a button!


Prioritize and Monitor Work

All of our progress is maintained in real time so that you can rest assured that things are running smoothly.

Easy and Simple to use

No matter how great a tool is, there is no point if it can be used. That's why we focused on simple and smart designs, and these aren't just randomly selected ideas. Repair Genie was carefully crated with a heavy focus on user feedback.

Repair Genie's proprietary algorithms allow for the coordination of many features to create a seamless and time efficient work-flow that all of our clients love.

A Solution Centered on You

At Cell Tech, we don't believe in a one size fits all solution. That's why we designed Repair Genie with customization in mind. When you choose us, we work with you to ensure that our program meets and exceeds your expectations. 


Unlock the Power of Repair Genie

See why hundreds of schools use our program!

Our Expertise

With Industry-Certified Professionals who value efficiency and quality, we are able to efficiently service tens of thousands of devices per school year per single school district.

Corporate Address

109 Carpenter Drive, Suite 260
Sterling, VA 20164

Hampton Roads, VA
710 Denbigh Blvd, Suite 3A
Newport News, VA 23608

Tri-Cities, NC
3511 Shannon Road
Durham NC 27707